Date Flight Nr. From STD* ETD* RTAC* Arrival Status To
19.09.2024. LYX390 KGS() 23:50 23:50 21:50 02:09 Arrived FMO()
20.09.2024. LYX385 FMO() 03:50 03:50 01:50 08:15 Check-in HER()
6Y337 SCN() 06:00 06:00 04:00 08:05 Scheduled PMI()
6Y323 NUE() 07:30 07:30 05:30 11:20 Scheduled HER()
6Y338 PMI() 09:05 09:05 07:05 11:15 Scheduled SCN()
LYX386 HER() 09:15 09:15 07:15 11:55 Scheduled FMO()
6Y324 HER() 12:20 12:20 10:20 14:20 Scheduled NUE()
LYX333 SCN() 12:50 12:50 10:50 16:55 Scheduled HER()
6Y393 FMO() 15:35 15:35 13:35 18:00 Scheduled PMI()
6Y315 NUE() 15:50 15:50 13:50 17:15 Scheduled NBE()
LYX334 HER() 17:55 17:55 15:55 20:15 Scheduled SCN()
6Y316 NBE() 18:15 18:15 16:15 21:55 Scheduled NUE()
6Y394 PMI() 19:00 19:00 17:00 21:30 Scheduled FMO()
*STD - Scheduled Time of Departure
*ETD - Estimated Time of Departure
*RTAC - Recommended time of arrival at airport check-in

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+371 60003089 / Working days 10:00-17:00
Mazrudas, Marupe municipality, LV-2167, Latvia

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